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External evaluation (Institutional audit)

Institutional audit is an external evaluation of a school's performance, during which independent experts evaluate educational and management processes and compliance with legislation requirements.

Structure of the institutional audit

Evaluation is carried out in the following main areas:

  • evaluation of the educational environment
  • evaluation of assessment system for students
  • evaluation of teachers` activities
  • evaluation of management activities

What is evaluated during the audit

  • creating safe and comfortable learning and working conditions
  • providing an educational environment free from any form of violence and discrimination
  • providing an inclusive and motivating educational space
  • the availability of an open, transparent and understandable system for students to evaluate their learning outcomes
  • the use of an assessment system aimed at monitoring the learning achievements of each student (it means that each teacher looks at the student in dynamics)
  • focus of the assessment system on the formation of students' responsibility for the results of their studies
  • effective planning of work, using modern educational technologies and approaches
  • improving the level of professional competence and skills
  • establishing partnerships with students and parents
  • adherence to the principles of academic integrity
  • development strategy of an educational institution
  • trust, transparency and ethical standards presence
  • effective human resources policy
  • organization of the educational process on the basis of human-centeredness and management decision-making on the basis of constructive cooperation with all participants
  • formation and implementation of the academic integrity policy

How does the audit work?

Institutional audit begins with preparatory work

Studying the materials

10 days before the inspection, the experts examine the materials that, in accordance with Article 30 of the Law "On Education," must be posted on the institution's website.

Preparation for the audit

Then, a draft order is prepared by the Service and the head of the school receives a written notice that an institutional audit will take place within a specific time frame.
Along with the notification, the head of the school receives a questionnaire, which contains questions that must be answered before the expert group begins its work.

Expert group work

The number of experts depends on the school. If the school has a small number of students, the group consists of at least three people, if it is large, there may be up to 12 experts. The duration of the expert group's stay in the school also depends on the number of employees. If the school has up to 50 employees, the audit will last no more than 5 working days. If there are more - up to 10 working days.

Results of the audit

Based on the results of the audit, each school will receive conclusions and recommendations. In case of law violations - an order to eliminate them.

What does the school receive as a result of the audit?

  • conclusion on the quality of educational activities and management processes
  • recommendations for improving the internal quality assurance system.

In addition, the conclusion will indicate which level the school is currently at:

  • high
  • sufficient
  • at a level that requires improvement
  • low

The recommendations contain proposals for the school and its founder, formulated on the basis of the conclusion, made after audit.

Who is involved in the audit

Educational experts are experienced educators who have undergone special training and are prepared to evaluate a school according to the criteria of an institutional audit. All experts have a pedagogical degree and have been working at the school for at least 5 years.

Who conducts the audit

Institutional audits are conducted by representatives of the Service and independent educational experts, including teachers, heads of schools and their deputies from all over Ukraine. Thus, the school is evaluated not only by the state, but also by those who work directly in the education system.

When the audit is conducted

Audits take place in schools every 10 years. Such an assessment can take place unscheduled at the initiative of the founder or the head of the school, teaching staff or supervisory board of the school.

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